Grade Standard Set-Up
To grade Assignments you will need to define a Grade Standard.
An example is shown, right.
Letter Grades are based on the points students achieve for an
Assignment and the Assignment's Maximum Points. This is true whether you
use Points or Percentage grading.
When viewing grades, students will see the Assignment Score you've given
thm, as well as the appropriate Letter grade as defined
1. Enter the Letter Grade and Minimum Percentage
to attain the grade.
2. Enter as many Letter Grades as you'd like.
3. The order you enter the Letter Grades in makes no difference.
4. Values can be a decimal or an integer.
5. The Minimum Percentage of your lowest grade will
probably be Zero.
6. NOTE: You can
adjust your Standard at any time, and all graded
Assignments and Reports will reflect the changes.
You will
need to Login above to
work on this page.
When you are logged in, your Grade Keys will
list below.
Sample Grade Standard